
Inspired minds. Amplify the impact.

98 million.

The number of children and youth between the age of 6-18 in Sub-Saharan Africa who aren’t able to attend school.


The percentage of girls in Africa who won’t ever attend school or have access to the education that they need.


The number of children under the age of 14 that don’t meet minimum proficiency levels in reading and maths.


Education and poverty are inextricably linked, and sadly, it is an essential part of childhood that is denied to millions.

Without access to basic education, the outlook is bleak and the cycle of poverty continues.


We are thrilled to be partnering with local schools, to bring education to those who need it most

  • We've partnered with schools across Kenya, where we sponsor children who are from some of the poorest families in the region, and without support, their outlook is bleak.

    Our sponsored children have their full annual tuition covered, ensuring they have the opportunity to attend school in the hope of a brighter future.

    Each child that attends school has the opportunity to learn, play and simply be a child - a right denied to so many. Every day they receive two meals of breakfast and lunch, ensuring we feed their bodies as well as their minds.

    Our on-the-ground team works within the community to build strong relationships with family members and children, ensuring acceptance into the community and families.

Sponsor a Child.

Your donation not only changes lives, it saves them.

Your donation redefines the outlook for children, families and entire communities.

When you sponsor a child with OpBlue, we cover all the admin costs so that your donation goes directly to the schools that need it most. You pick the amount and we direct it to the children who need it most.

When you provide a monthly donation, you are helping us send countless young children to school, giving them the opportunity to learn, play, and simply have fun. And best of all, together, when we provide children with an education, we give them the best possible chance at a brighter future, where these children and their entire families are free from the cycle of poverty, forever.

Month by month, your donation changes the outlook, creating a real and lasting impact.

  • 1. OpBlue takes our responsibility to the children in our programs very seriously, and we strive to always provide safe environments for the children and young people to learn and grow. We act in the best interests of children and young people as our primary consideration. By completing this form, you are committing to support our Child Protection Policy.

    2. By completing this form, you are agreeing to sponsor Kenyan children with a monthly donation. This sponsorship may provide support to multiple children in greatest need.

    3. The funds from your sponsorship are used to provide an education to child ren, and support the OpEducation project in Kenya, Africa.

    3. Your personal information will be collected, used and disclosed by OpBlue in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

    4. Any donation over $2.00 (AUD) is tax deductible. Please email hello@opblue.org for a tax-deductible receipt.


Knowledge is power, and inspired minds create lasting change.

Our goal is to use education as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty in the heart of Africa.

  • If all children in low-income countries simply had basic reading skills, an estimated 171 million people globally could escape extreme poverty. And if all adults finished high school, we could cut the global poverty rate by over half. This is the world we strive to attain, harnessing the power of education to break the cycle of poverty.

If you have questions or want to learn more about OpEducation, contact fallon@opblue.org

Your donation provides a future.